Steps Toward Discipleship
Faithful Witness to Motivated MinistersA disciple who has completed this phase has become a genuinely maturing follower of Jesus. He/She is a bold and resourceful witness to the gospel, having learned to be fruitful even in the face of rejection, suffering, or sacrifice. He/She has life and ministry experience so that he/she not only walks consistently with the Lord, but has developed the character, skills, and training to lead other disciples into leadership and service.
Major Intent
9-24 months
Disciple's Involvement
- Works alongside key leaders
- Leads or serves in a ministry
Willing to give their life for Christ; continues to be mentored by other ministry leaders
- Highly committed, dedicated disciple and servant
- Shows evidence of their fruit John 15
- Continued growth process with focus on more advanced habits and character
- Passionate about God's word, spends quality time with mentor and other Christian leaders
- Ministry Teams (ushers, greets, children's workers, mission trips, etc.)
- Ongoing Accountability Groups: Impact Groups that continue to meet and serve as a ministry team for
- service and Prayer, Care, Share outreach to unchurched loved ones.
- Disciple-maker's Leadership Community: This is a monthly small group huddle meeting of disciple-makers who are leading groups within the same ministry or life-stage.
Transformative Indicators
By the end of this phase a disciple:Exhibits Maturity
- A disciple does whatever is necessary to keep from sin. Matthew 5:29
- A disciple listens carefully and obeys God's word, knowing that the more they listen/obey, the more God will reveal to them. Mark 4:23-24
- A disciple realizes the dangers associated with ministry and life among evil people in general and responds in shrewdness, innocence, and guardedness. Matthew 10:16-17
- A disciple forgives others always for everything. Matthew 18:22-35
- A disciple never allows other priorities of any kind to distract them from ministry. Luke 9:62
- A disciple is not lured away from real life by any kind of greed. Luke 12:15
- A disciple-maker seeks direct guidance from scripture and faithfully carries out all scriptural directives. Acts 1:21
- A disciple-maker praises God for all He does. Acts 4:24
- A disciple-maker is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Acts 11:17, 16:6, 16:10
- A disciple-maker knows his/her calling. Romans 1:1
- A disciple-maker perseveres. Romans 15:4
- A disciple-maker evaluates all of life from God's perspective. 1 Corinthians 2:15
- A disciple lives so as to gain heavenly reward. 1 Corinthians 9:24
- A disciple-maker lives by the Golden rule. They do not wrong, corrupt, or take advantage of anyone. 2 Corinthians 7:2
- A disciple seeks approval from God, not man. 2 Corinthians 10:18
- A disciple's knowledge and wisdom grows. Philippians 1:9
- A disciple-maker dwells on positive, Godly thoughts. Philippians 4:8
- A disciple-maker practices what he/she preaches. 1 Thessalonians 1:5
- A disciple-maker usually uses gentleness instead of authority to minister to others. 1 Thessalonians 2:6-7
- A disciple-maker is not addicted to any substance. 1 Timothy 3:3&8
- A disciple-maker is able to exhort in sound doctrine. Titus 1:9, 2:1
- A disciple-maker counts trials as joy because of the growth & reward they bring.
- A disciple-maker uses the Holy Spirit to bridle the tongue. James 3:2-18
- A disciple-maker is humble. James 4:6 & 10; 1 Peter 3:8, 5:5-6
Gains sufficient ministry experience
- A disciple is intentional and totally committed in his/her ministry. Luke 9:51
- A disciple-maker teaches willingly in small groups. Acts 20:20
- A disciple-maker serves his/her church. Romans 16:11
- A disciple-maker words hard in his/her ministry. 1 Corinthian 15:10
- A disciple is steadfast & unwavering in his/her faith and fruitful ministry. 1 Corinthians 15:58, 16:1
Willing to forsake all for the Gospel
- A disciple has an "eternal perspective" on suffering and reward in life. Luke 6:20-26
- A disciple fasts. Matthew 6:16
- A disciple expects persecution as a result of obeying Christ. Matthew 10:17-18
- A disciple does not allow anything to distract them from their calling. Luke 10:4
- A disciple serves others even to the point of death. Mark 10:43-45
- A disciple praises God for his/her tribulations. Romans 5:3
- A disciple-maker shares his/her faith even when persecuted. 1 Thessalonians 2:2
- A disciple-maker is always ready to defend his/her faith. 1 Peter 3:15
- A disciple-maker is faithful unto death Revelation 2:10, 2:13, 6:9 & 15
Loves other believers more than self
- A disciple loves (seeks the best of) all (both good and evil) men at all times, imitating God. Matthew 5:44
- A disciple knows that, in the kingdom of heaven, greatness comes from serving others. Mark 9:35
- A disciple gives every person the positive benefit of the doubt when seeking to reach them. Luke 10:4-5
- A disciple loves his/her neighbor as his/her self. Matthew 22:39
- A disciple is lovingly devoted to other Christians. Romans 12:10
- A disciple-maker empathizes, rejoicing or weeping, with others. Romans 12:15
- A disciple-maker loves his/her disciples. 2 Corinthians 11:11
- A disciple-maker goes the second mile when asked for a favor. Philemon v.21
- A disciple-maker lays down his/her life for other Christians. 1 John 3:16
Boldly and correctly interprets and articulates God's Word
- A disciple believes in the inspiration and certainty of every letter of every word in the Bible. Matthew 5:18
- A disciple practices and teaches every truth in God's word. Matthew 5:19
- A disciple judges right from wrong based on biblical principle, not just outward appearance. John 7:24
- A disciple-maker has an in-depth knowledge of scripture. Acts 2:25
- A disciple-maker (that is so gifted) teaches God's word to encourage and strengthen others. Acts 15:32-35
- A disciple-maker is bold in proclaiming God's truth. Acts 28:31
- A disciple-maker is always prepared and preaches God's word. 2 Timothy 4:2
- A disciple softens his/her heart, trusts God, and is diligent to his/her rest. Hebrews 4:7-11, 12:25
- A disciple has learned an overview of the entire Bible and each individual book.
Accountable and subordinate to other church leaders
- A disciple-maker makes themselves accountable to more mature leaders. Acts 15:2
- A disciple obeys the decisions of their church leaders. Acts 16:4
- A disciple brings legal/moral grievances against Christians to church leaders, not civil courts. 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
- A disciple-maker who is an elder or deacon is first tested for faithfulness and character. 1 Timothy 3:10
- A disciple-maker is a team player (not self-willed). Titus 1:7
- A disciple is submissive and obedient to his/her spiritual leaders. Hebrews 13:17
- A disciple submits to all human authorities to silence the criticism of unbelievers. 1 Peter 2:13-15, 2:17
Depends on God for their needs
- A disciple stores up heavenly treasure. Matthew 6:19
- A disciple seeks God's kingdom and righteousness and does not worry but trusts God to provide for their needs. (Matthew 6:25-34
- When a disciple prays, they ask for their needs to be met. Luke 11:2-4
- A disciple trusts God to supply his/her financial needs. 2 Corinthians 9:10
- A disciple-maker is content in all circumstances. Philippians 4:11-13
Has a proper view and practice of stewardship
- A disciple is a good steward by serving God, not money, being trustworthy in the use of God's possessions, and using money to please/befriend God. Luke 16:1-13
- A disciple uses God's resources to produce more fruit as a God steward. Luke 19:17
- A disciple-maker knows it is better to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
- A disciple-maker does not use Christianity for financial profit. 2 Corinthians 2:17
- A disciple-maker practices equality in relation to basic needs of life as a steward of God's wealth 2 Corinthians 8:13-15
- A disciple-maker is free from the love of money. 1 Timothy 3:3,8
Has established times of individual renewal and reflection
- A disciple prays. They pray privately, to God, to the point. Matthew 6:5-13
- A disciple rests when necessary. Mark 6:31
Multiplies themselves through discipleship.
- A disciple prays for others to become disciples and helps them. Luke 10:2
- A disciple includes children as equal with adults in value when it comes to making disciples. Mark 10:14
- A disciple-maker teaches disciples God's word. John 17:14
- A disciple-maker shepherds his/her disciple. John 18:8-9
- A disciple-maker deploys disciples in ministry. Acts 11:25
- A disciple-making church sends church planters/preachers/missionaries. Romans 10:15
- A disciple-maker lives his/her life as a model for other disciples. 1 Corinthians 11:1
- A disciple-maker feels personal concern for those he/she ministers to. 2 Corinthians 11:28-29
- A disciple-maker prays for his/her disciples. Ephesians 1:16
- A disciple-maker exhorts other disciples to ministry. Colossians 4:17
- A disciple-maker loves and desires to be with his/her disciple. 1 Thessalonians 2:17
Actively declares truth to a pagan world.
- A disciple is to live in a way that exposes and glorifies God. Matthew 5:14-16
- A wise disciple evaluates the audience and offers truth or help only to those who will receive it. Matthew 7:6
- A disciple ministers with a sense of urgency knowing a time will come when their efforts will be useless. John 9:4
- A disciple reflects heaven's priorities by befriending unbelievers and winning them to Christ. Luke 15:7
- A disciple knows the gospel must be preached to every nation before Christ's return. Mark 13:10, Matthew 24:14,10
- A disciple-maker uses God-given opportunities to preach the gospel. Acts 2:14
- A disciple-maker bears witness for Christ even in dangerous circumstances. Acts 4:10
- A disciple-maker travels to other places to preach the gospel and do ministry. Acts 8:5-6
- A disciple-maker proactively seeks opportunity to present the gospel. Acts 8:30,35
- A disciple-maker takes the gospel to the whole world. Acts 13:4
- A disciple-maker is opportunistic and wise in presenting God's truth to unbelievers. Colossians 4:5-6
- A disciple-maker testifies to the truth he/she knows. 1 John 1:1-3, 4:14
Engages in spiritual battles and exercising spiritual authority
- A disciple recognizes the reality, presence, and power of demons. Mark 5:2
- A disciple knows Jesus has all power over demons. Mark 5:13
- A disciple knows he/she has spiritual authority and uses it to release others from spiritual bondage. Matthew 10:1, 28:18
- A disciple-maker overcomes evil with good. Romans 12:21
- A disciple uses spiritual weapons to accomplish ministry. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
- A disciple totally dissociates from satanic knowledge and activity. Revelation 2:24
Maintains Christ-honoring relationships
- A disciple continues to spend time with the disciple-maker. Mark 3:1
- A disciple knows that breaking any marriage vow constitutes adultery. Matthew 5:31
- A disciple makes his goal to give more to, not to get even with, evil persons. Matthew 5:39
- A disciple knows it is a grave sin to cause (even) a child to sin. Matthew 18:6
- A disciple-maker treats/loves all people equally. Acts 10:34
- A disciple encourages others. Romans 1:12
- A disciple-maker practices hospitality. Romans 12:13
- A disciple forgives and restores a brother who repents. 2 Corinthians 2:7
- A disciple-maker assumes responsibility for having a ministry of reconciliation - being Christ's ambassador. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
- A disciple-maker appropriately uses church discipline. 2 Corinthians 1:32
- A disciple-maker has a good reputation with those outside the church. 1 Timothy 3:7
- A disciple-maker pursues peace with all men. Hebrews 12:14
- A disciple respects marriage and is sexually pure. Hebrews 12:15
- A disciple-maker protects the flock by confronting bitterness. Hebrews 12:15
- A disciple-maker does not tolerate evil men. Revelation 2:2,20
Demonstrating God's Love by using gifts and abilities to serve within the church, the community and beyond!