Steps Toward Discipleship
Level 1: Church People really do care! Total acceptance without requirements! From Curiosity to Christianity.Level 2: C.R.I.B Christ Really Is Best!
Come and See- Level 1
A disciple who has completed this phase will understand that while they were sinners Christ died for them. They have come to understand that Jesus Christ is God. They have accepted Him as his/her personal Savior. They have given testimony of their faith in Christ by being publicly baptized and regularly participate in personal and public worship. This disciple believes that a true follower of Christ has genuine concern and compassion for others.
Major Intent
To introduce a non-believer to Jesus Christ, lead them through the process of accepting Jesus as their personal Savior and guide them into consistent personal, (bible reading, prayer) and public worship.
Find people in the midst of their need. (Matt 4:23-25)
Initiate a friendship with them. (Matt 4:18-22)
Serve them as Christ serves the Church. (John 3:2-17)
Help lead them to Jesus Christ. (Mark 10:17-25)
Disciple's Involvement
- Asks questions, seeking truth
- Sees personal spiritual need
- Attends public worship
Moves from doubt to faith, from hesitant, casual or no participation to regular personal and public worship.
- Low commitment.
- Strong emphasis on attraction rather than on training.
- Comes to believe in and personally accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
- Worships: publicly and personally.
- Worship Celebration services.
- Attends a fishing pool.
Transformative Indicators
By the end of this phase a disciple:Demonstrates interest through participation in worship and growth opportunities.
- A "potential" disciple responds to Jesus' invitation to begin to get to know Him. They are interested in Jesus and other spiritual things. Jn. 1:39,45
- Worships Jesus, praises God, personally and publicly rejoices and shows gratitude to God for all He has done. John 9:38; Philippians 4:6; Ephesians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Hebrews 12:28; 13:15; 10:24
- Meets regularly for worship and partakes of the Lord's Supper reverently in memory of Him. Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 10:16,17; 11:20-29
Focus is on basic beliefs rather than habits or character.
- A disciple is exposed to some truth they won't understand till later. Jn. 2:2
- A disciple knows salvation does not come through works, but through faith in Jesus. Eph.2:8-9
Seeker makes a commitment to Christ.
- A disciple confesses with his/her mouth that Jesus is Lord. Romans 10:9
- A disciple repents of his/her sins. Romans 2:4
- A disciple responds to Jesus' offer and has a relationship with Him. Rev. 3:20
Publicly proclaims Christian commitment through baptism.
- A disciple is baptized. Acts 2:38
- A disciple dies to sin & lives for righteousness. I Pet. 2:24
Has assurance of Salvation.
- A disciple obeys the gospel & trusts Christ as Savior. Romans 1:5
- A disciple receives Christ's forgiveness (no matter how great the sin) and repents and leaves that sinful life. Jn. 8:11
- A disciple proves his/her repentance with their deeds. Acts 26:20
Victory over sin and death!
Come and See- Level 2
A disciple who has completed this phase is experiencing a deep hunger for God's will and God's word.
Major Intent
To assist in connecting in the fellowship of the local church and teach basic truths of the faith.
- Teach basic beliefs and priorities
- Nurture continued spiritual growth
- Commitment to fellowship in the Body of Christ
- Encourage enough commitment to be a living witness for Christ
- Invites others to church or outreach opportunities
1-4 months or longer, depending on the point from which the person begins
Disciple's Involvement
- Attends Celebration services
- Begins personal bible reading and prayer
- Connects in vital fellowship with other believers
- Serves, but does not lead
Moves from a personal commitment to Jesus Christ to a desire to know all there is to know about Jesus Christ.
A disciple who has completed this phase:
- Understands basic Christian doctrine
- Has a hunger to continue to learn and grow in God's Word
- Proclaims their faith to others
- Obediently followed their commitment and were baptized
Mid-Sized Groups: examples include Adult Bible Fellowships, Men's Ministry and Women's Bible Study Fellowship. Open Small Groups: starter groups for couples, men or women that continue until disciples are ready to go to a deeper and longer-termed commitment.
Transformative Indicators
By the end of this phase a disciple:Understands basic Christian doctrine.
- A disciple, when saved, receives the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:17
- A disciple knows Jesus is equally God, just like the Father. Jn. 10:29
- A disciple practices behaviors of basic sexual morality. I Cor. 5:1; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Cor. 7:9-13
- A disciple knows salvation is by grace, not law. Gal. 2:15
- A disciple knows the hope, the eternal future, God has for them. Eph. 1:8
- A disciple holds fast God's word. Phil. 2:16
- A disciple stands firm in the teachings of the faith. I Thes. 2:15
- A disciple who is sick should call the elders to pray for him/her. James 5:14.
- A disciple confesses his/her sin to others and prays for other's sins. James 5:16
- A disciple holds to Biblical doctrine. I Jn. 2:24
- A disciple keeps himself/herself holy. Rev. 22:11
Has a hunger to continue to learn and grow their knowledge of Christ.
- A disciple prioritizes Jesus and His commands above all other things. Mt. 10:37
- A disciple seeks to grow in Christ likeness and bear fruit. Phil. 2:1; I Thes. 4:1
- A disciple puts off evil and humbly receives God's word. James 1:21
- A disciple diligently studies God's word. Pet. 1:10
- A disciple keeps Christ's commandments. I Jn. 2:4-5, 3:22, 5:2
Beginning to exhibit basic Christian behaviors.
- A disciple does not just say they believe Jesus is Lord, they obey the Father's commands. Mt. 7:21
- A disciple loves his neighbor as himself. Lk. 10:27
- A disciple focuses on inner holiness, not just outward appearances, practicing humility & practicing what they preach. Lk. 11:39-52
- A disciple is filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:52
- A disciple begins to cleanse himself/herself from all physical & spiritual defilement and begins to perfect holiness in the fear of God. II Cor. 7:1
- A disciple follows Jesus' model. 1 Jn. 2:6
Declaring the "Good News" of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.
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