Cornerstone Podcast

9-30-18 Pastor Luke, Rescued For L.I.F.E Eternal

Matthew 28:18-20

1. Loving- (John 15:12-13)
a. Jesus Wept- (John 11:35)
b. Jesus Went to a Place alone- (Matt. 14:6-21)
2. Intentional- (Matt. 26:36-46)
a. Come and see- (John 1:35-59)
b. Come follow me- (Matt. 4:19)
3. Fellowship- (1 John 1:1-7, John 17)
a. By the sea
b. Garden of Gethsemane
4. Encouraging- (John 14,15)
a. I go prepare a place
b. I will come again
c. I am the vine
5. Do you want life? If Yes, see reverse.

Key to Transformation

The key to Eternal L.I.F.E. is dying to this temporary


The key to succeeding in Eternity is getting R.E.A.L.
with God and longing to G.R.O.W. in Christ!

a. Lets’ get R.E.A.L. with God.
i. Receive Christ as Lord
ii. Expect change daily
iii. Accept the challenge of
iv. Leave a legacy of Faith
b. Let’s G.R.O.W. spiritually.
i. Get involved.
1. Small Groups
2. Ministry
3. Kingdom building
ii. Run to serve.
1. In small ways
2. In all ways
iii. Obey God.
1. Today
2. Forever
iv. Work with KINGDOM purpose.
1. God first
2. Serving others
3. Self-last