Cornerstone Podcast

4-2-17, Serving in Seventeen, Eyes Wide Open #21, Believe in Christ the Bread of Life

Hebrews 9:1-2

  1. Review: Christ is our Light! John 8:12
  2. Run to the Light! – John 3:19-21
  3. Receive the Light! – Ephesians 3:5-21
  4. Rest in the Light! – John 12:35, 46
  5. Remain in the Light! – 1 John 1:5-10
  6. Reveal the Light in you! – Matthew 5:14-16
  7. Reap salvation from the Light! – Psalm 56:13, John 8:12, Rev. 22:1-5
  8. The table for the showbread. ( 25:23-30, 37:10-16)
    1. In the Holy Place.
    2. Held Twelve loaves, one for each Israelite tribe.
  9. Bread of Presence. (Lev. 24:5-9)
    1. Reminded the twelve tribes of Israel that God sustains them.
    2. Eaten on the Sabbath by the Priests, in the sanctuary.
    3. Changed every Sabbath.
  10. Old Testament-Manna in the desert. (Exodus 16:4-8)
    1. Bread from Heaven as sustenance. (John 6:31)
    2. Bread and Water. (Ne. 9:15)
    3. Bread and meat in abundance. (Psalm 105:40)
  11. New Testament-Christ is the Bread of Life. (John 6)
    1. Bread made by men perishes. (John 6:27a)
    2. Bread from the Son of Man Christ is eternal. (John 6:27b)
    3. Believing in Christ is working with God. (John 6:29)
    4. True Bread from Heaven comes from God. (John 6:32)
    5. Christ is the true Bread from Heaven. (John 6:33)
    6. Christ is the Bread of Life. (John 6:35,47-51)
    7. Again Christ Confesses. (John 6:54-58)
    8. Christ is teaching a deep Spiritual lesson. (John 6:63)

Key to Transformation!

Believe and partake of the Bread of Life!