Cornerstone Podcast

3-11-18, Being Accountable in 2018, Lights, Camera, Action. The book of James #16 Pt.2

Whose are you? Part #2

“Death to my way, embracing God’s will!”

 (James 4:13-17, Proverbs 14:12, Luke 22:42, Colossians)


  1. Get a grip on your arrogance. (James 4:14)
  2. Your life is a vapor/mist in the realm of eternity. (15a)
  3. First consult the God of the universe. (15b)
  4. Boasting and arrogance lead to evil. (James 4:16)
  5. Why do we boast?
    1. Show others we are in control (James 4:7)
    2. Show others what we know (Romans 7:14)
    3. Show others our value (Phil. 3:7, Col. 3:3)
    4. Show ourselves as popular (2 Tim. 3:12)
  6. We boast because we lack self-confidence often from an experience of our past. Rejection/Chastisement/Teasing…
  7. In Christ He is our sufficiency! (Colossians)
  8. Those in Christ stand not on their merits but on the merits of Christ! (Galatians 2:20)
  9. Arrogance is rooted in pride and pride goes before the fall! (Proverbs 16:18)
  10. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into God’s will through humility, by the truth! (John 16:13, 1 John 5:6)



Questions for Transformation

Read James 4:7-10 Then answer the questions.

What is the first step in seeking the Lord’s will?  How will you do that?


What is the second step in seeking the Lord’s will? How will you do that?


What is the third step in seeking the Lord’s will?  How will you do that?


What is the fourth step?  When you do this step please write down the areas you need the help of the Lord for purification.  How will you remain pure? (Hint) the answer is in verse 8. Daily drawing near to the Lord for you looks like what, please explain.
