Elevating your Faith, an unstoppable force
What We Believe
WE BELIEVE that the Bible, as originally written, was God inspired and the product of Spirit-led men, and therefore, has truth without any error. WE BELIEVE the Bible is the foundation of Christian beliefs and the standard for all human conduct. WE BELIEVE there is only one living and true God, an infinite Spirit, the Maker and Ruler of heaven …
Rev Chapter 3:1-13 23 Feb 2011
We are coming to modern times as we study the last three churches of Chapter 3. Tonight we looked at Sardis and Philadelphia. As we left the church at Thyatira and looked at the Roman church history, we now see The Reformation
Rev Chapter 2:12-29 17 Feb 2011
As we continue through the 7 Churches of John’s day and the total history of the Church, we continue with the next two church, Pergamos and Thyatira. Join us as we see what Jesus says to John about each and how they represent the churches throughout history. From 312AD on through to 1500AD we can see how these two local churches are repromanded, encourages, challenged and …
Rev Chapter 2 9 Feb 2011
With the first apearing of Jesus to John on Patmos and His introduction behind us… Let’s jump into the 7 Churches and what Jesus wants us to know. As we left off last week closing Revelation chapter 1, John closes with verses 19-20 in chapter 1, “Write down the things thou hast seen (the vision Christ just showed him), and things that which are, …
Rev Chapter 1:1-20 3 Feb 2011
This lesson starts our journey through the Book of Revelation. We join John the Apostle in prison on the Isle of Patmos. As John describes his “Being in the Spirit on the LORD’s Day”, we begin the adevnture with John as the LORD appears to him and reveals a vison that he is instructed to write down and deliver it to the …