01-1-18, Accountable in 2018, Lights, Camera, Action, The Book of James #8
The Book of James #8
“Two Ears one Mouth”
(James 1:19-21)
- Knowing that every good gift comes from God and God tempts no one. God has gifted us with two ears and one mouth!
- These words appear in the ESV bible:
- Heard 600, hear 468, listen 195, understand 127, give ear 71, hearing 68, hears 57, acknowledge 24, total 1,610 times.
- Speak 395, spoken 219, proclaim 65, speaks 56, talk 35, talking 20, no matches for talks, total 790 times. 790 X 2 = 1580 only 30 less than the total of listening.
- Quick to hear: (Proverbs 23:12-25)
- Slow to Speak: (Psalm 19:14, Ecc. 10:12-14 )
- Do we speak out of pride?
- we speak to prove our value
- we speak to show our knowledge
- Do we speak out of pride?
- we speak to maintain our image (counterfeit)
- Do we speak out of guilt?
- trying to justify our filthiness
- trying to justify our wickedness
- Do we speak on behalf of the King of Kings?
- Humbling ourselves before others
- Exalting the Lord our God our Master
- Telling others of the good news of the GOSPEL
Our ears are a gift from God used to receive the word implanted in us, which is able to save our souls! Verse 21
Our mouth is a gift from God to spread the love of God!
- God says through our mouth our hearts speak. (Luke 6:45)
- God desires our mouths be used to confess. (Romans 10:9-10)
- God intends our mouth be used to praise Him. (Psalm 51:15)
- God allows us to use our mouth to testify of Him. (Rev. 12:11)
- God wants us to encourage others. (1 Thess. 5:14)
- God speaks through His word, prayer and other believers. Are you ready to listen? (Hebrews 4:12, 10:19-22, 11,12)
Questions for Transformation
Would you say that you listen twice as much as you talk?
- What spoke to you most in this message?
- What are you going to do about that?
- How could it affect the world around you?
Are you seeking daily transformation? If so what has God done in you in the last month? If you aren’t seeking daily transformation what’s more important than your eternal home? (Matt. 10:26-33)
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