05-07-17, Serving in Seventeen, Eyes Wide Open #24, Covenant or Counterfeit?
(Hebrews 9:23-10:18)
1. Christ died, “Once for All”, We Must: (Heb.9:23-28)
a. Die to Sin. (Romans 6:5-11)
i. Repent daily.
ii. Keep short accounts with God!
b. Die to Self, two options- (Romans 12:1-2)
i. Christ is either Lord of all
ii. Or not Lord at all
c. Die to Social Acceptance. (1 John 2:15-17)
i. Seek God’s will only.
ii. Seek God’s way only.
2. Christ’s sacrifice cost Him His life. (Heb.10:1-9)
a. He died so we could truly live.
b. He died so we could serve.
c. He died so we could sacrifice.
d. He died so we could be reconciled.
3. Serving through the New Covenant. (Mark 10:35-45)
a. Service by prayer that goes beyond words.
b. Service by faith. Only God can do…. Gym
c. Service bears fruit, through transformation.
d. Service bears faith, through transformation.
e. Service is the great commission.
f. Serving in love without compromise.
4. Being served, the great American Counterfeit! (Matt. 7:21)
a. Seeker friendly rather than Savior Friendly.
b. Ear tickling rather than jaw dropping conviction.
c. Emotion driven rather than truth driven.
d. Popular versus powerfully personal.
e. Feel Good verses Faith Building. GYM!!!
f. Lip service instead of life service.
Key to transformation!
To serve or be served, that’s the question!!!
I commit to covenant!
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